History & Politics
Pointing The Way 1959-1961
First printing of fifth volume of Macmillan's autobiography. All in VG, clean and bright internal or..
Politics of Charkha
Exceptionally scarce first edition by notable former Indian congress leader Kripalani. All in good i..
First printing of first edition of Stewart's well-regarded memoir. In fine internal, clean crisp and..
Prison Diary, Argentina
Journalist Winchester's excellent account of his time in the Falklands War, arrested as a spy and de..
Fascinating and early analysis of propaganda in the news, with attention paid to events in Germany a..
Public Schools in Renaissance France
All in good internal order bar occasional foxing, more so to extremities. Block edge also spotted. O..
Queen Adelaide
Bar light toning, all in VG+, crisp, clean and bright internal order. No inscriptions. Smart blue bo..
Radical Democracy
Very scarce Indian political text from the wife of M N Roy. All in good internal order. Price obscur..
Radical Humanism (Eastern Economic Pamphlets 14)
ND (1952 - WorldCat). Presumed first. Very scarce M N Roy volume. In good internal order bar a littl..
RECONCILIATION Why and How - A Plea For Immediate Action
Scarce Indian political pamphlet - "It's Britan that has to be reconciled to a free India." All in v..
REFERENCE HANDBOOK For Readers, Students, And Teachers Of English History
The descents of Kings, who's who in the nobility, dates of principal events - all the things they do..
Report of the 51st Indian National Congress - Haripura (Dt. Surat. Gujarat) 1938
Extremely scarce report from the 51st Indian National Congress held in Haripura. Dual language Engli..
Responsible Government
Exceptionally scarce first edition from the early years of political change in India. Bound with bla..
RESTLESS CONSORT The Invasion Of Albert The Conqueror
How Prince Albert reshaped the British monarchy. All in VG, clean and bright internal order. No insc..
RHYMES FOR YOUTHFUL HISTORIANS Desgned To Assist The Memory In Retaining The Principal Events In The History Of England; And The Most Important Dates In Ancient History. New Edition Brought Down To The Present Time. With Additional Notes, And Thirty-Seven
ND. c.1890. Former owner's signature dated 1894. Pretty much the entirety of British history present..