Social History
'NOT OF THIS WORLD' The Story Of Norfolk's Monastic Houses In The Middle Ages
Excellent account of Norfolk's monasteries, in near-fine, clean, crisp and bright order throughout. ..
'THE RECTOR WILL BE GLAD...' A Norfolk Parish Miscellany 1898-1920
Good collection of parish magazine excerpts, illuminating Norfolk village life at the turn if the la..
101 JUBILEE ROAD A Book Of London Yesterday's
Willis celebrates London in the first 14 pre-war years of the 20th century. Well illustrated. Foxing..
A CHRONICLE OF SMALL BEER The Early Victorian Diaries Of A Hertfordshire Brewer
Based upon the diaries of John Izzard Pryor, with much on rural and social life in early Victorian H..
A RADICAL AT LARGE American Essays
Good collection of essays from noted US writer who "depicts a different and relatively unknown portr..
ABRAHAM DENT OF KIRKBY STEPHEN An Eighteenth Century Shopkeeper
First US edition, in near fine, clean crisp and bright order throughout. Very faint spotting to edge..
AFTER THE VERDICT A Romance Of Redemption [SIGNED]
Wainwright's personal experience of Salvation Army work in Britain's prisons. Signed by him to fep. ..
AMERICAN FRONTIERS Cultural Encounters And Continental Conquest
In VG, clean crisp and bright order throughout. Minor bump to smart paper-covered boards, with cream..
AN ACT FOR THE EMPLOYMENT MAINTENANCE AND REGULATION OF THE POOR OF THE CITY OF BRISTOL; And For Altering The Mode Of Assessing The Rates For The Relief Of The Poor, And Certain Rates Authorized To Be Raised And Levied Within The Said City By Certain Acts
Bristol imprint of parliamentary act, which received the royal assent on 15th May 1822. Complete wit..
AN ENGLISHMAN AT HOME AND ABROAD 1792-1828 With Some Recollections Of Napoleon Extracts From The Diaries Of J B Scott Of Bungay, Suffolk
Fascinating and wide-ranging diary, first published in 1930, reprinted here with additional notes. W..
AN OUTLANDER IN ENGLAND Being Some Impressions Of An Australian Abroad
Methuen's Colonial Library edition of this well-written and forthright view of the good and bad in E..
ANOTHER COUNTRY Writings From Country Life
The unmistakable voice of Carla Carlisle rings out from the pages of Another Country, her third coll..
ARDINGLY 1858-1946 A History Of the School
Well illustrated. Light toning to stock, with very occasional foxing, moreso to endpapers and titles..
AT THE OVERSEER'S DOOR The Story Of Suffolk's Parish Workhouses
Well researched and illustrated. In near-fine order throughout, clean, crisp and bright, with smart ..
Bad Companions
Eight further cases come under Roughead's eloquent consideration. Foreword by Hugh Walpole preceded ..