Changing The Guard At Buckingham Palace
Lewthwaite's charming, bold illustrations accompany her own London children's tale. In VG order thro..
Christmas Games
Smaller format than the earlier Mandeville Christmas collections, but still an attractive volume, wi..
Clown Land
ND. 1897 - WorldCat. No.35 in Dean's Gold Medal Series, completed in 85 parts and printed in Holland..
Country Chaos
From an edition of 630 of which this is no.16, being one of only 30 copies hand-coloured by the arti..
Cynics And Romantics
No.144 from an edition of 150, with a wood engraving by Robert Tilleard and signed by him. Printed f..
Das Bildnis Des Dorian Gray
May be ex-library as rectangle of paper fixed to title page is covering what looks like a stamp. No ..
Deyá A Portfolio Of Five Poems And Lithographs
Artists Proof copy out of the edition of 75 of this attractive set of poems by Graves accompanied by..
Die Erzählungen und Märchen von Oscar Wilde
Second printing (11-20th thousand) of this attractively illustrated German translation of Wilde's st..
Down The Bright Stream
ND, but identifiable as 1948 first edition in green cloth. Internally, bar a little marking to edge ..
EX OFFICIO [Cellar Press Poem Nine]
In fine internal order. Minor edgewear to printed card covers. From an edition of 200. 8vo. [8pp]..
Fables From Aesop [SIGNED]
No.187 from the edition of 426 and signed by both translator an illustrator. All in near-fine, clean..
FANTASY Hand-Coloured Linocuts [SIGNED]
Excellent collection of Weissenborn's attractive coloured linocuts in an edition of 100 copies, this..
FIRST ILLNESS [Cellar Press Poem Thirteen]
In fine internal order. Minor edgewear to printed card covers. From an edition of 200. 8vo. [8pp]..
Forty-Nine Poems
Light toning and occasional marking (moreso to endpapers), but in general good internal order. Chief..
Attractively produced and illustrated study of 14 illustrators, created as a limited edition of 100 ..