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THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, And Administration Of The Sacraments, And Other Rites And Ceremonies Of The Church, According To The Use Of The United Church Of England And Ireland: Together With The Psalter Or Psalms Of David, Pointed As They Are To Be Sung O

  • THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, And Administration Of The Sacraments, And Other Rites And Ceremonies Of The Church, According To The Use Of The United Church Of England And Ireland: Together With The Psalter Or Psalms Of David, Pointed As They Are To Be Sung O
If you would like more images of a book, please contact us.
Condition Good
Jacket Condition No Jacket
Binding Hardcover - 748 pages
Published Oxford University Press,  Oxford 1852
Our Ref # 106415


Attractive BCP printed throughout in large font, presumably for use in church. Ownership inscription of Revd. Addison Brown Hemsworth, rector of Rockland St Andrew's, Norfolk at the time of publication. Verses in the Collects, Epistles and Gospels have been numbered in the same hand. Stock toned, but in general good internal order. Gilt to all edges of block, a little dulled. Fep removed. Bound in full leather with five raised bands to spine. Not pristine, but characterful. 8vo. Unpaginated

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